Fiducia Quarterly Newsletter

We are delighted to advise you that our quarterly Newsletter is now available for you to view by clicking here. This quarters newsletter is all about:
  • Protection
  • Pensions
  • Mortgages

We look forward to talking with you soon and as ever please do get in touch with any financial issues you may have.

Marcus Grimshaw on Sky News

Fiducia CEO Marcus Grimshaw was on Sky news today explaining the problems SME’s have finding finance and how NACFB are helping.

Derby 10k 2014

This year Fiducia were out in force with 6 staff members taking on the challenge. Anthony Scott, now his third time doing the 10k in a row, the return of Nina Teeder and Jordan Teeder and 3 new members Karen Cobb, Sarah Flude and Susanne Dugdale. Its was great day with the team once again showing their support for care 4 kids.